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Tag Archives: free fathers’ day ecards
Fathers’ Day Quote
You taught by example that: Love conquers all. Challenges require patience, understanding and forgiveness. Counting blessings will bring much joy… read more.
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Heaven And Earth Everlasting
Heaven and Earth are everlasting
Heaven and Earth do not pursue
a purpose or a path;
silently and steadfastly accepting
their positions in the universe.
Obeying day and night; season after season without anguish.
The wise do not cling to anything.
The more you focus on goals; pursuits; and expectations,
the more you will become besiege with fear, self-doubt and insecurity.
Poisoning your body and soul and the more complex every situation becomes.
If you let go; detach; and focus on your psyche.
You can step back for an instant
and avoid spending energy in futility
Instead you will accomplish and gain more
by using the tide to take you where you belong.
So that by giving up you gain and become first
and by holding on you squander and become last. Chapter 7: Tao Te Ching
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, Congratulations class of 2015 ecards, father's day ecards, fly chapter 7 of the Tao te Ching, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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New Free Roses Ecards
I have spend a lot of time working on a new and improved website for hopealley…that be will unveiled soon. I upload a few new free roses ecards that I hope you will enjoy! Brighten someone’s day; share a free ecard everyday!!!! Hopealley
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, Congratulations class of 2015 ecards, father's day ecards, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, new free ecards, outdoors, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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The graceful way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can’t ignore it, top it. If you can’t top it, laugh at it and forget about it! J. Russell Lynes Continue reading
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, quote about being graceful, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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Think what a better world it would be if the whole world lay down about three o’clock for a nap. Barbara Jordan Continue reading
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, quote about desert, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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