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Tag Archives: father’s day quote
Fathers’ Day Quote
You taught by example that: Love conquers all. Challenges require patience, understanding and forgiveness. Counting blessings will bring much joy… read more.
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Love Conquers All
You taught by example that love conquers all.
Challenges require patience, understanding and forgiveness.
Counting blessing will bring you much joy; but pure bliss flows from letting go of the transgressions of others.
Enjoy life never regret the past, the rest is not important enough to color my mind. Life is easier when you gentle and kind, it makes falling down less awkward when you have friends around. Smile and help a stranger, benevolence create lasting bonds for all around. Laugh often it cleanses the soul.
And when you are on your knees hope will help you get backup once more. ~Hopealley Ecards
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You were right, Dad!
By the time we realize that our father was right all along, we have children who think that we are wrong all the time. Here is to you Dad, you were right; I know it now!!! Happy Father’s Day (Adapted Charles Wadsworth) Continue reading
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, Congratulations class of 2015 ecards, father's day ecards, father's day quote, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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A Father’s Protection And Affection
I cannot think of any need more essential in childhood as the need for a father’s protection and affection. Dad not only were you a good provider, but more importantly you are a great man!!!! Happy Father’s day! (Adapted Sigmund Freud) Continue reading
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, Congratulations class of 2015 ecards, father's day ecards, father's day quote, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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Best Gift Father’s Day!!!!
How do you describe a man whose parents were ashamed of him? Shipped him off to grow up with family alone as a young fragile child. Ended his school education to provide education for the other children. Despite it all, he became a kind, generous, content and loving man… who never speaks ill of anyone – My hero.Love you Dad – you are the best gift given to me!!!!! Happy Father’s Day!!!! Hopealley ecards
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Tagged christmas day ecards, congratulations, Congratulations class of 2015 ecards, father's day ecards, father's day quote, free 4th of july ecards, free anniversary ecards, free birthday ecards, free chinese new year ecards, Free Cinco de Mayo Ecards, free easter day ecards, Free ecards online, free fathers' day ecards, free graduation ecards, free groundhog day ecards, free halloween ecards, free holiday ecards, free invitation ecards, free kwanzaa ecards, free labor day ecards, free martin luther king day ecards, free memorial day ecards, free mother'sday ecards, free rosh hashanna ecards, free st. patricks day ecards, free sympathy ecards, free thanksgiving ecards, free valentines day ecards, free veterans day ecards, free weeding ecards, free yom kipppur ecards, get well soon, happy easter, happy st. patrick's day, nature photograph, outdoors, totally free ecard, totally free ecards
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