The new Hopealley home page is launched today December 20, 2015!!!!!!!
HopeAlley was registered in 2012 with the goal to provide free digital greeting cards that simulate paper cards instead of the mundane cookie cutter cards with little choices and options to customize a greeting ecard.
The Ecards allow users to create a unique and beautiful card with a variety of options for a personally tailored and intimate greeting. Recipients receive elegant and high-quality ecards without distractions of advertisements. No one enjoys receiving junk mail with a birthday, sympathy or any greeting card. The experience should be personal and intimate. It is all about creating a one of a kind experience. Not publishing advertisements for products and bombarding users with unrelated and irrelevant information.
The site grew and a Blog page was added with the goal to uplift, inspire and provide a daily dose of food for thought. Each of us has exiting powerful days that confirms our confidence, successful and positive outlook. It is the days that seem hopeless, bleak and enfolded with misery, the Blog intends to color with hope, support and compassion. Mistakes or failures are not the cause of suffering; it is the perspective of the mistake or failure that does.
The Poetry page flowed from personal experiences; and years of reading everything and anything to find bits of wisdom and glimpses of insights. It is a creative outlet to express life with feeling. Please feel free to send me your comments.
The Journey cards are on the back burner for now. Priorities dictate that the focus is somewhere else. The best is yet to come…. it is exciting to undergo transformation and change all around.
There are no teams or endless funds available to develop or support the site; it is simply a labor of love. The philosophy is to tread lightly; not to infringe on anyone’s rights; to respect everyone’s journey and share the community of experiences.
I have spent countless hours to get here, it is my sincere hope that you will enjoy the site!!!!!!